Google Custom Search API貌似没有C/C++版本,只有Java(好像还有Python),于是我想借助Powershell打开URL
但是Google Advanced Search中参数是用&连接的,而Powershell中不支持&,所以URL必须用"包括起来
e.g.$ start "https://www.google.com/search?&as_q=c++&as_sitesearch=umr.fun"
//... string cmd = "start https://www.google.com/search?"; //TO DO: add " before and behind URL //... cmd += cfg; char * p_cmd = (char *)cmd.data(); system(p_cmd); //TO DO: open cli-web-browser instead //...
string cmd = "start \"https://www.google.com/search?"
但是这样VS会把start \赋值给cmd,忽略后面的https...,\并没有起到转义的作用,效果是打开文件所在目录
╔=======================╗ ‖Google Advanced Search ‖ ╚=======================╝ C++到底怎么输出"啊 site:umr.fun 0.exit 1.aflkjklj 2.hakjlgh 3.zkjhfia 4.nzkljla 5.nfdgief 6.zcvhui 7.fnjhsl 8.jlhafd 9.nvoahl 10.dafw4n |<- <- [page] -> ->| Home PageUp PageDown End //输入结果编号打开指定URL,利用home,pageup,pagedown,end翻页
//main.cpp #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> #include <string> using namespace std; void all_these_words(); void this_exact_word_or_phrase(); void this_exact_word_or_phrase(); void any_of_these_words(); void none_of_these_words(); void numbers_ranging_from(); void language(); void region(); void last_update(); void site_or_domin(); void terms_appearing(); void SafeSearch(); void file_type(); void usage_rights(); string cmd = "start https://www.google.com/search?"; //TO DO:add " before and behind URL string cfg = ""; int main() { cout << "00:exit" << endl << "01.all these words" << endl << "02.this exact word or phrase" << endl << "03.any of these words" << endl << "04.none of these words" << endl << "05.numbers ranging from" << endl << "06.language" << endl << "07.region" << endl << "08.last update" << endl << "09.site or domin" << endl << "10.terms appearing" << endl << "11.SafeSearch" << endl << "12.file type" << endl << "13.usage rights" << endl; int i = 0; cin >> i; while(i!=0) { switch (i) { case 1: all_these_words(); break; case 2: this_exact_word_or_phrase(); break; case 3: any_of_these_words(); break; case 4: none_of_these_words(); break; case 5: numbers_ranging_from(); break; case 6: language(); break; case 7: region(); break; case 8: last_update(); break; case 9: site_or_domin(); break; case 10: terms_appearing(); break; case 11: SafeSearch(); break; case 12: file_type(); break; case 13: usage_rights(); break; default: cout << "error!" << endl << endl; main(); } cout << "Configuration:" << cfg << endl; //cout << "command:" << cmd + cfg << endl; cin >> i; } cmd += cfg; char * p_cmd = (char *)cmd.data(); system(p_cmd); //TO DO:open cli-web-browser instead //getchar(); return 0; } void all_these_words() { string as_q = ""; cout << "Type the important words:"; cin >> as_q; cfg += "&as_q=" + as_q; } void this_exact_word_or_phrase() { string as_epq = ""; cout << "Put exact words in quotes:"; cin >> as_epq; cfg += "&as_epq=" + as_epq; } void any_of_these_words() { string as_oq = ""; cout << "Type OR between all the words you want:"; cin >> as_oq; cfg += "&as_oq=" + as_oq; } void none_of_these_words() { string as_eq = ""; cout << "Put a minus sign just before words you don't want:"; cin >> as_eq; cfg += "&as_eq=" + as_eq; } void numbers_ranging_from() { string as_nlo = "", as_nhi = ""; cout << "Put 2 periods between the numbers and add a unit of measure:"; cin >> as_nlo >> as_nhi; cfg += "&as_nlo=" + as_nlo + "&as_nhi=" + as_nhi; } void language() { string lr = ""; cout << "Find pages in the language you select:"; cin >> lr; cfg += "&lr=" + lr; } void region() { string cr = ""; cout << "Find pages published in a particular region:"; cin >> cr; cfg += "&cr=" + cr; } void last_update() { string as_qdr = "all"; cout << "Find pages updated within the time you specify:"; cin >> as_qdr; cfg += "&as_qdr=" + as_qdr; } void site_or_domin() { string as_sitesearch = ""; cout << "Search one site or limit your results to a domain:"; cin >> as_sitesearch; cfg += "&as_sitesearch=" + as_sitesearch; } void terms_appearing() { string as_occt = "any"; cout << "Search for terms in the whole page, page title, or web address, or links to the page you're looking for:"; cin >> as_occt; cfg += "&as_occt=" + as_occt; } void SafeSearch() { string safe = "images"; cout << "Tell SafeSearch whether to filter sexually explicit content:"; cin >> safe; cfg += "&safe=" + safe; } void file_type() { string as_filetype = ""; cout << "Find pages in the format you prefer:"; cin >> as_filetype; cfg += "&as_filetype=" + as_filetype; } void usage_rights() { string as_rights = ""; cout << "Find pages you are free to use yourself:"; cin >> as_rights; cfg += "&as_rights=" + as_rights; }